Adult Computers
We have 10 PCs and 1 Express (15-minute) PC
Youth & Teen Computers
We have 10 PCs
How to Access Our Computers
Access is FREE for Richton Park Library Card holders. Any other library card holders or people without library cards will have to request a guest pass at the service desk.

Computer Time
Users are allowed a window of up to 2 hours use per day. Additional time may be granted provided there are no reservations waiting or if the request can be honored before the close of computers for the day.
Prints & Copies
We have two copy/print stations available at the library located across from the Circulation Desk and across from the Youth Services Desk.
The cost per print/copy is:
- Black & White: $0.15 per page
- Color: $0.25 per page
Wireless Printing
We also offer Wireless Printing with use with your laptop, tablet, and even smartphone. Print jobs sit in our printer queue for 2 hours and then they automatically disappear.
- Print from your Laptop or from Home: Click Here.
- Print from your Smartphone & Tablet using the FREE Print Public Locations app from the Google Play or Apple App Store.
Computers Automatically Shutdown
- Weeknights: 7:45 PM
- Saturday: 1:45 PM
- Headphones or earbuds are required if you’re watching and/or listening to things on the computer.
- Adults: Earbuds are available at the Circulation Desk for 50 Cents and you can keep them. We don’t want them back due to sanitary issues.
- Youth & Teens: Over the ear headphones are equipt at every station and are sanitized nightly
Software on Public Computers
- Operating System: Windows 10 & Windows 11
- Microsoft Office Edition: 2019; Excel, Word, PowerPoint & Publisher
- Web Browsers: Chrome & Firefox
- Other: Adobe Reader
Librarians Recommend Using Google Chrome
We offer wireless access. RPWIFI and there’s no password.
Scanning via Copy Machines
The library offers free scanning of documents & pictures through our copiers. A USB flash drive is required to save these documents & pictures.
Scanning & Faxing Services with our ScanEZ Station
The library offers scanning and faxing services through our ScanEZ station. The ScanEZ Station is located between the Circulation Desk and Self Check-Out Station in the entrance hallway. The ScanEZ station allows patrons to:
- Scan-to-device (USB/Flash Drive)
- Scan-to-email
- Scan-to-cloud (Dropbox, Google Drive, & OneDrive)
- Scan-to-print (regular printing costs apply)
- Scan-to-smartphone
- Scan-to-fax ($1.00 per page fee applies)
Faxes cost $1.00 per page. The ScanEZ Station will accept all major credit cards, or you can pay with cash at the Circulation Desk.